The Armenian Region (1828-1840). The Basin of Lake Sevan. Historical and Geographical Essay


  • Vardan Mkhitaryan Laboratorio di ricerca B. Harutyunyan sui problemi fondamentali della geografia storica, della cartografia dell’Armenia e della diplomazia armena, Istituto di ricerca di Armenistica, Università Statale di Yerevan
  • Gohar Ghambaryan Laboratorio di ricerca B. Harutyunyan sui problemi fondamentali della geografia storica, della cartografia dell’Armenia e della diplomazia armena, Istituto di ricerca di Armenistica, Università Statale di Yerevan
  • Susan Martirosyan Ricercatrice indipendente, Roma



Russian Empire, Transcaucasus, Armenia, Turkic peoples, Lake Sevan


The historical period spanning from 1828 to 1834 proved to be a turning point for the indigenous populations of Transcaucasia and for the Turkic peoples who had penetrated the region since the 11th century. Acknowledging the importance of the historical moment, accurately cross-referencing impartial and reliable sources, and confiding predominantly in historical data and the analysis of works by contemporary authors (1830s), we have attempted to provide some information on the Armenian people and their historical homeland. In this context, we have made a brief reference to the turbulent and chaotic course of historical events leading to the loss of statehood and homeland. Our research on the Armenian Oblast (Region), grounded on the most complete and reliable information on the area and, in particular, on the basin of Lake Sevan that was part of it, is based on i) the works of Ivan Chopin, president of the Department of Revenue and the State Property of the Oblast, ii) the works of the well-known Swiss traveler and scientist Frédéric Dubois de Montpéreux, iii) the maps published at different times and the materials taken from the national archive of Armenia.


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How to Cite

Mkhitaryan, V., Ghambaryan, G., & Martirosyan, S. (2024). The Armenian Region (1828-1840). The Basin of Lake Sevan. Historical and Geographical Essay. Bollettino Della Società Geografica Italiana, 6(2), 35–46.

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